So we’re back on solids! Sort of.

If you’ve been following our weaning journey you may have seen my last update about how Leo had suddenly gone off solid food altogether after a couple of bouts of vomiting. At the time, I wasn't sure if the vomiting was due to an allergy to a certain food or a stomach bug but I’ve since come to think it was probably the latter. I even wonder if it could be teething related, as it seemed to coincide with some bottom toothy pegs poking through.

Whatever the cause, Leo went totally off food for a few weeks, and as his mum, I naturally started to worry, especially as he’d been so enthusiastic about everything he was eating before. Instead, he’d just play around with the food on his plate, screw his face up and whack the plate as loudly as possible, before eventually chucking it on the floor. I won’t force him to eat any so I’ve been practicing patience and hoping he’ll eventually get excited about food again.

On the plus, Leo is still drinking breastmilk and for the first year that’s the main source of nutrition, so at least I’m not worrying about that.

The good news is that the last week he seems to be taking more interest again. I’ve scaled it right back to basics most of the time. Squished raspberries went down ok but he’s gone off banana and peas. He also ate a bit of chicken, mashed potato and sweetcorn. Hopefully, with time, he’ll become a little foodie again.

I find it really comforting to hear other parent’s experiences of this. Have you had anything like this happen to you? Has your baby suddenly gone off their solid food?


A Trip to Jimmy’s Farm


Ambleside, Rydal Caves & “The Grot”