Two Way Polenta Play (part one)

This was so much fun yesterday! A few weeks ago I was clearing out our kitchen cupboards and found an old bag of cornmeal that was past it's bb date so I thought we’d use some of it for play time this week.

For these ”paintings” you’ll need:

  • Cornmeal (other grains will work too)

  • Food dye

  • Mini sealable bags

  • Pots to pop the ”paint” in (I used some biodegradable plant pots we have spare)

  • Photo frame (optional - I re-used some old chipped ones)

  • Craft glue - I used Modpodge (wide scotch tape can work instead of paper and glue too)

To create the polenta ”paint”, pour small amounts of cornmeal into separate sealable bags, add a few drops of food dye and rub the bag vigorously until the colour spreads. Set aside to dry (it seems to dry very quickly)

Next, cut some canvas paper to size in the photo frame and use the small hinges on the back to fix in place. Then spread craft glue all over the paper with a brush and use mini scoopers or just your fingers to, sprinkle the ”paint” on the paper, before moving it around with fingers or your choice of arty tools.

This is definitely a messy one but not as messy as I was expecting. I was fully prepared to get covered head to toe in cornmeal and dye, but really it just ended up on the mat, hands, and on Leo’s feet after he stepped in my painting

Leo did two paintings and I actually love his first one so much I’ve put it on display. Little tip minimalism is definitely the way to go when working with this “paint”. I tried going for a full on mountain scene and it didn’t go so well Still, it was loads of fun.

An added bonus is this dyed cornmeal inspires so many play ideas and which leads us to part two of our polenta sensory play adventures!


Polenta Play (part two)


National Breastfeeding Week