6 Months & Leo’s First Food

DAY 1: Yesterday, Leo celebrated turning 6 months with his first real food!

We decided to go with a combined baby-led approach of mashed food with a pre-loaded spoon and finger size pieces. I think maybe the avocado slices were a little too chunky first try.

Leo went straight for the spoon and I had a very proud mumma moment when he knew exactly what to do with it (well, almost exactly!)

He wasn’t as curious about the slices and was more excited about dropping those on the floor. The water also got tipped over right away too, which we were surprised about because he’s always reaching to drink from our coffee mugs.

A few uncertain expressions but overall folks, I think avocado is a hit

Leo has been exclusively breastfed up to now and this will continue to be his prime source of nutrition for the first year, so food is for fun!

I’ll be popping weekly updates on here to share what we’re preparing Leo and how feeding’s going for any other parents who might find it helpful.

Scroll below to see day 1!


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