My Little Heart Stealers

My little heart stealers

In all honesty, I used to worry my life would change too much after children and I might have regrets. Has it changed? Yes, exponentially. But 100% for the better. Two flames have lit another and the force of that fire - that love - is extraordinary. It is overwhelming and all-consuming, and now I worry about how I’ll cope when Leo’s no longer little

We’re not doing anything in particular to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, but there’s always a whole lotta love here. The red tissue I used for this heart is from a sensory box I made Leo for Christmas. It’s his absolute favourite - meaning, it was getting chewed left right and centre and became a bit of a choking hazard, so I decided to repurpose it into a symbol of love instead thankfully, he’s at an age where he’s over it already.

We’ve definitely had a weekend full of love too. We celebrated our friend Percy’s 2nd Birthday on Saturday and Leo’s Great Nan’s Birthday on Sunday with a four-generation get together. My Nan is an incredibly special person to me, so every chance we get to spend with her means the absolute world.

How was your weekend? Are you celebrating Valentine’s today or are you not much of a Valentine’s Day fan?


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